
Sport and games

1. Sports in general- good and positive sides of sports, negative?
2. Indoor X outdoor sports, winter X summer sports or all-season sports, extreme sports
3. Popular sports in Britain, the USA, our country
4. Olympic games- facts
5. Our physical training leasson( activities, sportswear…)
6. My attitude to sport- sports that I pracised as a child and later


1. Sport is very important for aktive relaxation and helps us to keep our bodies in good physical condition. Keep us in good mental condition as well. Sports are one of the most popular leisure time activites. Sports offers us refershment, relaxation and rest. Movement in the fresh air hepls the blood circulation and cleans the lungs. During sports events can meet a lot of friends and new peolpe.. But do some sports is dangerously as well.

2. Are many places where we can practise sports. We go to praciste sports at various playground, sports halls, pools, stadiums, tennis courts and finess centers.
We can practise some of sports and games indoor and some of them outdoor.
In the first group there are sports, for example, gymnastics, table tennis, boxing, wrestling.
Outdoor sports are for example: golf, cycling, hiking, rock climbing, horse racing, motor- racing, skatebording and roller skating.
Into outdoor sports belongs winter sports too. Among winter sports are: skiing(slalom, downhill, cross-country), ski jumping, tobogganing, bobsledding, snowboarding, figure-skating, ice- hockey.
But most sports can be done both indoors and outdoors sports. Athletics, swimming,tennis, and ball games  take place in summer stadiums as well in athletic halls.
Among the summer sports are athletics (sprints, middle and long distance runs,Marathon race,  hurdling, high, triple  and long jump, pole vault, shot put, hammer and javelin and discus throw, decathlon) and next aguatic sports(swimming, rowing, canoeing, windsurfing, water skiing, rafting)
Among the all-season sports are, for example, ball games: basketball, volleyball, handball, football, tennis, next gymnastics, body- building or sport dancing.
Nowadays is popular make extreme and quite dangerous sports such as diving, base jumping, skysurfing and bungee jumping( this is jumping from a fixed location such as bridge with bungee cord).

3. England
was the first home of many popular games. Football is the most wide spread. Are there a great numer of clubs. Cricket is an English nationle game. Rugby football is also very popular.
In the USA are popular American football (it is different from European mainly in the shape of ball, this is oval) baseball, basketball and ice-hockey or lacrosse and soccer, this is European football.
In our country are popular ball games- football, voleyball or basketball. Ice-hockey is played at a very hight level here too and there are a lot of sport centers and stadium.

The most talented sportsmen can take part in Olympic Games. We have Summer and Winter Olympic games. They take place every four years. Games are an international competition and are great event in the world of sports.Symbols of game are the Olympic Fire and the Olympic Flag: five intercloking ring of different colours against a white background, that symbolize unity among five continent.
The first game were in 776 BC and when peolpe stopped worshipping the Greek gods, the Games were cancelled. First modern games were in 1896 in Athens and participated only nine countries and all the athletes were male. Today compete female too and there are more sports event.

5. We have physical training two hours for a week. We train in sports hall. At the beginning our lesson we warming u pand then often we play ball games as volleyball. We wear different T-shirt and shorts and sports shoes.

6. My attitude to sport is positive, but I don´t have enough time for it. When I was a child I play
football whit my friend but younger I have for sports more time that now.
Now I aerobics trains and in summer I swimming, ride on bicycle or play volleyball and in winter I skate or tobogganing. A lot of peolpe watch sports on television, but I don´t care it, only sometimes a watch football.


1.    Describe the climate in the Czech Republic(four season, changes in the nature, weather).
2.    Speak about natural environment and the probléme nowaday(pollution, global warming, andangered species)
3.    Consequences of global warming(natural disasters)
4.    Protection of environment(What can you do to protect it-separate waste-recycling, save energy and water etc.)


1.    The seasons are not the same everwhere, but for people around the world, the changing seasons help mark the passing of the year.In the Czech Republic change four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Spring begins on 21. March. The temperature rises after long winter, snow melts, nature begins to awake, treea are in blossom and garden are full of flowers that bloom im spring(bluebells, crocuses, tulips, snowdrops). The weather is very changable- clouds are white or dark and sometimes it is raining. After a shower a rainbow may appear in the sky.

Summer begins on 21.June. Sky is cloudless and it is nice and warm. But sometimes the sky suddenly clouds over, breeze changes in to a strong wind an it is crsh of tunder, a flash of lightning and thunderstorm. But later on the sky clears up and it will stay fine. I love this time of year, becouse we have long holiday and i can enjoy sunny weather, I can go swimming, summer festivals. People go for holidays, they travel, camp, swimm, we can ride on bicycle and next.

Autumn cames on 23. September. The leaves trees become yellow, orange, red and brown and deciduous. Only evergreen conifers remain dark green. The sky is often cloudly. Mornings are chilly, místy, muddy and become firts snow in late November. Birds set out on the journey south.  I like an Indian Summer(short period summer-like days).

Winter begins on 21.December. In the winter snow falls, it is blizzards and it is snowy and frosy. We enjoy wintertime activities- skiin, snowboarding, building snowman, snowfighting and next. Sometimes are wery cold winters.

2.    Natural environment is all around us(consists of flora, fauna, water, air and earth). Is influenced by processes in nature, but mainly activiti of people. Humans do not always care for environment as they should. They prefer thein owen comfort and luxury. They want more cars, pc technology. We can divide pollution into 3 categories: air, soil, water pollution:
Air is basic for live. Air pollution is biggest problem in cities, where are a lot of cars, concentrate idustry. Important are trees. They are lungs of our planet, becouse they are making oxygen. If we put down trees adn tropical forest it will become very difficult.
Soil pollution- can be contaminated as result industrial waste and other couses.
Water pollution →harmfull industrial process and households, chemicals used in industry
Human kills animals and destroy natural habitats an endarered species are dying out.

Global warming cause by the greenhouse effect. Gases as carbon dioxide, freons, methane prevent the earth from escaping. But human let into the atmosfere much gases and Effect is made stronger.Our planet warming up and change global climate.

3.    Consequences of global warming- the Earth´s temperature rises, artic ice melts and
areas near the sea level floods. Floods are generally cause by long rains or when a lot of snow melt in the Spring.  Next natural disaster are huricanes and tornadoes cause by presure changes ito the atmosphere. It is very strong wind and destroying everything on the way. Next are earthquakes or explosions of volcanoes. In the course of earthquake the land is crashing and shakeing

4.    For the better environment we should use public transport, walk, ride bicycles more than
using the car. Recycle rubbist. This is separating paper, glass and plastic bottels. Reforest new areas, conserve habitats in national parks and nature reserves. And next use alternative means on power: wind power, water, solar energy or nuclear energy. And save energy. I think that is very important protection of natural environment in which we live.
Many ecological organizations take care about our planet- Greenpeace, Duha

Political system

The British government:
Britain consists of four countries: England (London capital), Scotland (Edinburgh), Wales (Cardiff) and North Ireland (Belfast). London, the capital is the centre of government for the whole of Britain but local authorities are also partly responsible for education, health care, roads, the police and some other things.
Laws are made by Parliament. There are two houses. The House of Commons and The House of Lords (which has little power). Members of the House of Commons are called MPs (it means Member of Parliament) and MP is elected by people from a particular area. Parliamentary elections are held every five years or less. The leader of the majority party in Parliament becomes Prime minister and he or she chooses the MPs, who will run the different departments of government – ministers. The Prime minister and the most important ministers make up the Cabinet, which is the real government of the country. There are three main political parties: the Labour Party (left wing), the Conservative Party (right wing) and the Social Democrat Liberal Alliance (the middle). This time the Prime Minister is Tony Blair (replaces John Major). Britain has a ceremonial head of State, the King or Queen, who has no political power. Now it is the Queen Elizabeth II. The royal family lives in Buckingham Palace. Prime minister lives at 10 Downing Street.
National flag and anthem:
British national flag is sometimes called “Union Jack”. It symbolises the Union of England, Scotland and Ireland. Each country has its cross in the flag: England has St. George’s Cross (white oblong and red cross), Scotland has St. Andrew’s Cross (blue with white diagonal) and Ireland has St. Patrick’s Cross (white with red diagonal). National anthem is “God Save the Queen!”. Each part of Great Britain also has its own symbol: England has the red rose, Wales has the leek and daffodil, and Scotland has the thistle and Ireland the shamrock.

The USA with the president as the head of state is a federation of 50 states with 48 on the continent, Alaska in the North and Hawaii in the Mid-Pacific south-west of San Francisco. There is also one district, D.C. – District of Columbia – it means the land of Columbus – this territory isn’t a state, the state capital is situated here. The largest state is Alaska, the smallest is Rhode Island. The capital is Washington, D.C. Other big cities according to the population are New York, Los Angels, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia and Detroit. The USA is the member of all major international organisations: UN, OAS, NATO and OECD.
American political system:
The Constitution:
The form of government was established in March 1789in the “Constitution of the United States”. The Constitution set up a federal system of states with a strong central government. Rights and powers were divided between the individual states and the central or federal government.
The original Constitution has been changed 26 times since 1789. Ten of these amendments were in the “Bill of Rights” (1791), which guaranteed the basic rights of individual Americans. The power in the USA is divided into three branches – legislative, executive and judicial.
The legislative branch is made up of elected representatives. The main body is called the Congress – its seat is in the Capitol the Congress is divided into two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives consists of 435lwmakers who are elected according to the population of each state (serve for two years). The Senate has 100 members – two members from each state (serve for six years). The main task of the Congress is to make federal laws, declare war etc.
The executive branch is represented by the President and 13 executive departments. The President together with his Vice-President is chosen in nation-wide elections every four years. The President can be elected only two terms. Presidential powers are rather big – he proposes bills, can veto or refuse a bill, he is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, makes treaties, appoints federal judges, ambassadors. The head of each department is appointed by the president and is responsible to him. The present departments are: State, Treasury, Defence, Justice, Interior, Agriculture… The Vice-President, elected from the same political party as the President, is the chairman of the Senate. Now the USA have the 42nd president Bill Clinton, whose Vice-President is Al Gore, both of the Democratic Party.
The judicial branch is made up of Federal District Courts (91), 11 Federal Courts and at the top the Supreme Court.
Political parties:

The Democratic Party is more liberal – they think that the government should provide wide social and economic programmes for those, who need them (the poor, students, unemployed, etc.).
The Republican Party puts more emphases on private enterprise and individual initiative.
The American flag and anthem:
The American flag consists of two parts
– one smaller blue oblong with 50 white stars symbolising 50 American states and one larger oblong consisting of six white and seven red stripes symbolising the original 13 states which used to be the British colonies. The flag is sometimes called “Old Glory” or “Stars and stripes”. The American national anthem is called “The Star – Spangled Banner”.


-official name is Commonwealth of Australia; capital Canberra
-some people say it is either smallest continent or largest island in the world
-it is situated in southern hemisphere, it lies between Indian and Pacific ocean
-it is about as large as USA-7,7mil.sq.km; about 17,4mil.inhabitants(95% English origin, 3% other European states, 2% Aboriginals), density is one of the lowest in the world
-it is divided into 6 states(Western Australia, southern australia, queensland, new south Wales, Victoria, Tasmania) and 2 territories(Northern territory, Canberra)
-official language: Australian English; currency: Australian dollar; official anthem: advance Australian fair, unofficial anthem: waltzing Matylda 
-largest cities: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Darwin, Adelaide
-nearest neighbors-Indonesia, Papua new guinea, the Solomons, fiji, New Zealand

geography: the surface of A.is very flat, 1/20 of land is higher than 600m n.m.
Great barrier reef-it is supposed to be the largest coral reef in the world
Great western plateau-it occupies almost 1/2 of territory
Central A. includes 3 great deserts: Great sandy d., Great Victoria d., Gibson d.
Ayers rock-largest piece of rock in the world, color of red orange, yellow, brown

in dry season they became dry: l.Eyre, Torrens l., l.Gairdner
rivers: the Murray, the Darling
Central Easter lowland
Australian Cordilleras-3 parts: Great Dividing Range, New England Range, Blue Mountains
Australian alps-the highest mt.:Mt. Kosciusco(2230)

animals: kiwi, platypus, koala, kangaroo, dingo
climate: many different climate, in the north is tropical, the interior is continental and rest subtropical; worm summers, pleasant, mild winters, even we can find there snow in Australian alps for 1/2 of year

history: native inhabitants arrived in A. 40000 years ago; James Cook explored the eastern coast in 1770; the british got the entire continent in 1788 up to 1850; in these years it became a colony when the gold rush increased immigration; the commonwealth proclaimed in 1901; since 1945 3mil.europians settled in A. 

economy: very rich country, very high standard of living
industries, agriculture: wheat, wool, sheep, rich mineral deposits, especially coal, iron ore, silver, bauxit

flag: blue, in the upper left corner is union jack, several stars-5 stars in a constellation of  the Southern cross; under the union jack you can find 7 point(peak) star, which symbolize 6 A. states and 1 territory

political system: part of British monarchy, h.o.s.: British monarch represented by governor general, constitution of A. was written in 1st of January 1901 and each state has its own constitution; legislative control by the GB removed in 1986

Czech Republic

CR is situated in heart of Europe. It borders with Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. It is divided into 3 parts: Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia. CR covers 78864 sq. km and population is about 10,3 million people. Currency is Czech crown, which is divided into 100 hellers. Anthem is “Kde domov můj.” Official language is czech. 40% people are non-believers, 40% are Roman Catholic and 20% are other religions. The major nationalities are czech and moravian, but there are also minority groups such as the Silesians, the Romes, the poles, the Germans, the Ukrainians, the Russians. Climate in CR is mild. The hottest month is July and coldest is January.


In CR there are many spots of great natural beauty as well as areas totally spoiled by industries. Our state has a varied landscape. The border of Bohemia and Moravia is lined by the Šumava range, the Czech forest, the Krušné Mountains (Ore), the Jizerské Mountains, the Luž Mountains, the Krkonoše mountains (Eagle) and the Orlické mountains. Bohemia and Moravia are separated by the Bohemian-Moravian highlands. The highest mountain is Sněžka (1603 meters). Fertile lowlands can be found in the valleys of the big rivers - Vltava, Labe, Morava. On the Vltava river were built cascade of dams.

In 5th century did the Slavs settle the territory. In 9th century was on this territory first state formation called Great Moravia. In 14th century one of the best and most important rulers Charles IV, during his reign was founded the Prague University. In 15th century here were hussite movement with reformation teaching of Jan Hus, who was burned to death in 1415. In 17th century was here the Thirty years war, after the Battle of the White Mountain in 1620 was the country germanized and many non catholic artists and scientists have to leave the country. In 19th century was Age of reason – Czech language became important again and fine piece of Czech literature were born. In 1918 was proclaimed independent Czechoslovak republic with T. G. Masaryk as the first president. 1939 was the Bohemia and Moravia territory occupied by germans. 1945 was Czechoslovakia liberated by the Red (Russian) and US armies. 1948 began socialistic era. 1968 was Prague spring – invasion of soviet army and it began normalization. 1989 was Velvet revolution, which canceled the communistic era and gave to our country new democratic principles. 1993Czechoslovakia split in two republics – the Czech republic and the Slovak republic, with its own administration, economy and state symbols.

More than 40years here were a state monopoly system. It is reconstructed into prosperous free market system with the help of privatization. The country tries to follow the principles of democracy. If only we could reach prosperous economic standard and at the same time not lose our best cultural and spiritual traditions. The most important part of out economy is engineering. Other important branches are metallurgical, chemical industry and tourism. Textile and glass industries have a long tradition. The main items of our agriculture are wheat, maize, sugar beet, grapes, hops and fruit. Here is also animal production – cattle and pig breeding, fish breeding, especially carp breeding has a long tradition in South Bohemia ponds.

CR is after Velvet revolution in November 1989 parliamentary democracy with the president as a head of state, prime minister is a leader of the winning party, government and ministry as the main executive powers. The main legislative power is given to the national parliament. The judicial powers are given to courts of justice.

Spots of beauty and interesting places to go
In the Czech Republic there are many spots of great natural beauty as well as areas totally spoiled by industries.
Castles, ruins chateaux: Hluboká, Weltrusy, Špilberg. Spas and mineral springs: Karlovy vary, Františkovy lázně, Luhačovice. UNESCO protected: Praha, Český krumlov, Lednice, Valtice, Mikulov, Kutná hora, Telč, Kroměříž. Natural places: the Czech paradise, rock town in Prachov rocks, the Děčín walls, Czech switzerland, the Boubín virgin forest, Koněprusy caves, Macocha abyss.

Cultural heritage

It is very rich and it can offer the world many outstanding values. In literature: the cosmas chronicle from the 12th century, the kralická bible from 16th century, writers Komenský, Mácha, Čapek, a poet Seifert who won a Nobel Prize. In music we have beautiful middle age chorals, great composers such as Janáček, Dvořák, Smetana. Modern musicians are admired by foreigners as well, e.g. Stivín, Kocáb. Folklore festivals in Strážnice and Rožnov are well known all around the country. Prague is a museum of all possible architecture styles. The most outstanding architect of the gothic period was Petr Parléř.

Food nutrition and restaurants

Food is really important for our body without food and nutrition we would die. Without food there would be no life. We need food because it give us energy and we can move, etc.
Food provides important elements and vitamins for our body. Everybody should observe right healthy nutrition and they will have also right way of living.  Some take care what they eat, somebody not, etc. Go on slimming diet; cut down on some fat and sugar, do not eat fast
Very important is also to control everything, especially eating habits.

Now let me say something about board of GB, USA and CR.

GB: They usually drink a cup of tea or coffee + glass of juice. The most favorite to eat is ham and eggs or bacon + sausages. A plate of porridge, a buttered toast with marmalade or cheese is also really popular.
CR: People drink a cup of tea, a glass of cocoa, coffee. They prepare usually a piece of bread or a roll and eat with butter, cheese, salami and marmalade. They like toasts, corn flakes, cereals, eggs or sometimes some kind of yogurt. Sometimes they eat sausages with piece of bread + mustard or ketchup
Americans like to eat corn flakes and they have some special cookies. For example most popular are muffins, bagels, and buns. They usually eat sandwiches, the most famous sandwich is called PBJ (peanut butter jelly). Americans have on a breakfast table also waffles. They drink the same as in Europe, but special is their OJ (orange juice) with cheese cake with strawberries, hot chocolate

GB: In GB it might be some kind of soup, either thick or clear with sandwiches. Sandwiches consist of salami, cheese and vegetables salad. They also eat in fast food restaurants, the favorite to eating there is fish with chips. When Britisch wake up later, especially on weekends, they don’t have breakfast or lunch  they have something like brunch (lunch + breakfast; grilled spicy beans and potatoes). During afternoon they have elevenses (snack; thin slice of bread-white or brown with butter, marmalade, ...; cup of tea, cakes, ...) +  
CR: For Czech people is lunch the largest meal during the day, but in GB or USA is no the largest one, the largest meal is called dinner there. We (in CR) usually have three-courses. We start with soup (also thick or clear), it’s the main of all lunch. We eat many kinds of foods. For example – pasta, potatoes, fries, dumplings, spaghetti as supplements with various kinds of meat (poultry, beef, calf, pork, lamb, soya, ...), sometimes with sauces
The typical Czech meal is called roast pork, dumplings and cabbage. We like to drink a glass of beer or some kinds of lemonade. The Czech people usually have a lunch in canteens, cafeterias, buffets or restaurants.
USA: Americans drink coke, soda, lemonade, coffee,... They have a lunch in fast food restaurants. They eat fries or hamburgers with majoneza or mustard or ketchup with lettuce. It isn’t important to have big lunch for Americans.

GB: For britains is dinner the main meal of day. They have 4 or 5 courses (d’oeuvre = starter, soup, some meat with supplements and also with vegetables, sweet dessert, last one is sometimes sandwiches, of course if they have place if they want)
In Scotland and North of England people have there something what is called hightea. They eat fish, eggs, ham, sausages with home made bread.
CR: We take something cold, hot or warm, st like breakfast, but it is largest. We make potatoes cake.
USA: There are several various cuisine like in Italic, Mexican, Chine, France, ... You can visit some restaurants and there eat your home kitchen, food. They usually buy something finish they get it to microwave. They have also several courses as everybody wants.


Prague is the capital of Czech republic. It has population of 1,2 million inhabitants. It lies on area of 500 square kilometers. It lies on Vltava River. It is seat of president, government and parliament. It is financial, cultural, economic and administrative center of Czech republic. It has several nicknames: heart of Europe, hundred-spired town, golden Prague or magic Prague. It is also cultural and historical center of Europe.

•    In 6th century Slavs came to Prague valley.
•    In 9th century prince Bořivoj founded the castle and it became the seat of Přemyslid dynasty.
•    In 10th century was built Vyšehrad.
•    In 14th century, during reign of Charles IV Prague grew and flourished.
•    Prague was the center of hussite movement in 15th century.
•    In the end of 16th century was Prague seat of Rudolph II, who visited artists and scientists there and it became a cultural center of Europe.
•    1620 it was a battle of the White Mountain.
•    1621 was execution on Old Town square.
•    Czech scholars and writers began the national revival in 18th century.
•    1918 Prague became the capital of the independent Czechoslovak republic.
•    1939 was Prague occupied by German troops.
•    1945 was the town liberated by the Russians.
•    1968 the August occupation began the process of normalization.
•    On 17th November 1989, the Velvet revolution began democratic changes in our society.
•    On 1st January 1993 Prague became the capital of Czech republic, because Czechoslovak republic split to two independent countries – Czech and Slovak republic.

Prague castle. It has more than 700 rooms and 3 courtyards. It is seat of president and it is also dominant of the city. 3 most important rooms are Vladislav hall (it was built in gothic style, it is used for special ceremony), Spanish hall (it is used for some ceremonial and cultural purposes), Rudolph gallery (it is sometimes used for exhibitions).
Saint Vitus Cathedral. It is most impressive building at the castle. It was finished in 1929 after more than 1000 years. Inside of this is one of the most important chapels called Saint Wenceslas Chapel. It is decorated with semi-precious stones. Inside of this chapel is coronation chamber where are a coronation jewels (St. Wenceslas crown, the scepter and the orb). Under the cathedral is a royal crypt with sarcophaguses of Czech kings and queens.
St.Georges convent. It contains collection of the gothic to the baroque art.
St.Georges basilica. It is the convent church built in Romanesque style.    
Royal summer palace of Belvedere. It is the purest example of Italian renaissance architecture.
Goldenlane. Craftsmen originated it in the 16th century.
Schwarzenberg palace. There is military historical collection.
Archibishop’s palace. It has the beautiful 18th century rococo facade.
Sternberg palace. It was built in the 17th century. It is seat of National gallery.
Strahov monastery. It was founded in the 12th century. Now it is a museum of Czech literature.
Petřín observation tower. It was built in 1981 as a free copy of the Eiffel tower.

Along Neruda street we can go from the castle to the Lesser town. It is poetic quarter with romantic gardens and ancient houses. In the lesser Town Square we can find a St. Nicholas church built in baroque style. From the square we can get through Mostecká Street to the Charles Bridge over the river Vltava. It was built in 14th century. There we can find 30 sculptures and groups of statues mainly in Baroque style. 
Old Town square. We can get there from Charles Bridge along Charles Street. It is the center of the Old Town. Beautifully decorated houses with colored facades of all styles surround it. In the center of the square is John Huss Monument.   
Old town hall. It is the best known building in the square. There is a horologe with the statues of the apostles on the tower.
Kinský palace. It was built in rococo style and now houses a graphic collection.
Týn church. In 1601 was here buried the Danish astronomer Tycho de Brahe. It is visual dominant of square.
Bethlehem chapel. It is the most important center of the reformation movement where John Huss preached. It is not far from the square.
Paris street. It is lined with fine houses built in late 19th century decorative style. It takes us to the Jewish Town. The Jewish community originated in Prague as early as the 10th century. Now here is only a few synagogues (The Old-New Synagogue and cemetery have remained to the present).
Celetná street. Leads from the Old Town Square to the Powder gate, which forms a monumental entrance to the Old town.
Na příkopě street. Now it is a pedestrian precinct. It takes us to the bottom of Wenceslas Square.
Wenceslas square. It is heart of New Town and it present-day Prague. It is 750 meters long boulevard lined with banks, department stores, boutiques, shops, hotels, restaurants, theatres and cinemas. The neo-renaissance building of the National museum closes the upper part of the square. It was built in end of 19th century and now it contains historical and natural history collections. In the upper part of the square stands the St. Wenceslas Memorial. It is bronze equestrian statue of prince Wenceslas by J.V.Myslbek. It is favorite meeting place of tourists.
National theatre. It is the most beautiful neo-renaissance building. We can get there from the bottom of the Wencesls Square along Národní Street.
Vyšehrad. We can get there along the river. It was the seat of czech princes. The oldest construction on Vyšehrad and in the whole Prague is the Rotunda of St. Martin built in 11th century. The Vyšehrad site also contains the Slavín cemetery, the burial place of famous personalities of our political and cultural life.
Charles university. It is the oldest university in central and eastern Europe.