
Czech Republic

CR is situated in heart of Europe. It borders with Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. It is divided into 3 parts: Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia. CR covers 78864 sq. km and population is about 10,3 million people. Currency is Czech crown, which is divided into 100 hellers. Anthem is “Kde domov můj.” Official language is czech. 40% people are non-believers, 40% are Roman Catholic and 20% are other religions. The major nationalities are czech and moravian, but there are also minority groups such as the Silesians, the Romes, the poles, the Germans, the Ukrainians, the Russians. Climate in CR is mild. The hottest month is July and coldest is January.


In CR there are many spots of great natural beauty as well as areas totally spoiled by industries. Our state has a varied landscape. The border of Bohemia and Moravia is lined by the Šumava range, the Czech forest, the Krušné Mountains (Ore), the Jizerské Mountains, the Luž Mountains, the Krkonoše mountains (Eagle) and the Orlické mountains. Bohemia and Moravia are separated by the Bohemian-Moravian highlands. The highest mountain is Sněžka (1603 meters). Fertile lowlands can be found in the valleys of the big rivers - Vltava, Labe, Morava. On the Vltava river were built cascade of dams.

In 5th century did the Slavs settle the territory. In 9th century was on this territory first state formation called Great Moravia. In 14th century one of the best and most important rulers Charles IV, during his reign was founded the Prague University. In 15th century here were hussite movement with reformation teaching of Jan Hus, who was burned to death in 1415. In 17th century was here the Thirty years war, after the Battle of the White Mountain in 1620 was the country germanized and many non catholic artists and scientists have to leave the country. In 19th century was Age of reason – Czech language became important again and fine piece of Czech literature were born. In 1918 was proclaimed independent Czechoslovak republic with T. G. Masaryk as the first president. 1939 was the Bohemia and Moravia territory occupied by germans. 1945 was Czechoslovakia liberated by the Red (Russian) and US armies. 1948 began socialistic era. 1968 was Prague spring – invasion of soviet army and it began normalization. 1989 was Velvet revolution, which canceled the communistic era and gave to our country new democratic principles. 1993Czechoslovakia split in two republics – the Czech republic and the Slovak republic, with its own administration, economy and state symbols.

More than 40years here were a state monopoly system. It is reconstructed into prosperous free market system with the help of privatization. The country tries to follow the principles of democracy. If only we could reach prosperous economic standard and at the same time not lose our best cultural and spiritual traditions. The most important part of out economy is engineering. Other important branches are metallurgical, chemical industry and tourism. Textile and glass industries have a long tradition. The main items of our agriculture are wheat, maize, sugar beet, grapes, hops and fruit. Here is also animal production – cattle and pig breeding, fish breeding, especially carp breeding has a long tradition in South Bohemia ponds.

CR is after Velvet revolution in November 1989 parliamentary democracy with the president as a head of state, prime minister is a leader of the winning party, government and ministry as the main executive powers. The main legislative power is given to the national parliament. The judicial powers are given to courts of justice.

Spots of beauty and interesting places to go
In the Czech Republic there are many spots of great natural beauty as well as areas totally spoiled by industries.
Castles, ruins chateaux: Hluboká, Weltrusy, Špilberg. Spas and mineral springs: Karlovy vary, Františkovy lázně, Luhačovice. UNESCO protected: Praha, Český krumlov, Lednice, Valtice, Mikulov, Kutná hora, Telč, Kroměříž. Natural places: the Czech paradise, rock town in Prachov rocks, the Děčín walls, Czech switzerland, the Boubín virgin forest, Koněprusy caves, Macocha abyss.

Cultural heritage

It is very rich and it can offer the world many outstanding values. In literature: the cosmas chronicle from the 12th century, the kralická bible from 16th century, writers Komenský, Mácha, Čapek, a poet Seifert who won a Nobel Prize. In music we have beautiful middle age chorals, great composers such as Janáček, Dvořák, Smetana. Modern musicians are admired by foreigners as well, e.g. Stivín, Kocáb. Folklore festivals in Strážnice and Rožnov are well known all around the country. Prague is a museum of all possible architecture styles. The most outstanding architect of the gothic period was Petr Parléř.

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