

Prague is the capital of Czech republic. It has population of 1,2 million inhabitants. It lies on area of 500 square kilometers. It lies on Vltava River. It is seat of president, government and parliament. It is financial, cultural, economic and administrative center of Czech republic. It has several nicknames: heart of Europe, hundred-spired town, golden Prague or magic Prague. It is also cultural and historical center of Europe.

•    In 6th century Slavs came to Prague valley.
•    In 9th century prince Bořivoj founded the castle and it became the seat of Přemyslid dynasty.
•    In 10th century was built Vyšehrad.
•    In 14th century, during reign of Charles IV Prague grew and flourished.
•    Prague was the center of hussite movement in 15th century.
•    In the end of 16th century was Prague seat of Rudolph II, who visited artists and scientists there and it became a cultural center of Europe.
•    1620 it was a battle of the White Mountain.
•    1621 was execution on Old Town square.
•    Czech scholars and writers began the national revival in 18th century.
•    1918 Prague became the capital of the independent Czechoslovak republic.
•    1939 was Prague occupied by German troops.
•    1945 was the town liberated by the Russians.
•    1968 the August occupation began the process of normalization.
•    On 17th November 1989, the Velvet revolution began democratic changes in our society.
•    On 1st January 1993 Prague became the capital of Czech republic, because Czechoslovak republic split to two independent countries – Czech and Slovak republic.

Prague castle. It has more than 700 rooms and 3 courtyards. It is seat of president and it is also dominant of the city. 3 most important rooms are Vladislav hall (it was built in gothic style, it is used for special ceremony), Spanish hall (it is used for some ceremonial and cultural purposes), Rudolph gallery (it is sometimes used for exhibitions).
Saint Vitus Cathedral. It is most impressive building at the castle. It was finished in 1929 after more than 1000 years. Inside of this is one of the most important chapels called Saint Wenceslas Chapel. It is decorated with semi-precious stones. Inside of this chapel is coronation chamber where are a coronation jewels (St. Wenceslas crown, the scepter and the orb). Under the cathedral is a royal crypt with sarcophaguses of Czech kings and queens.
St.Georges convent. It contains collection of the gothic to the baroque art.
St.Georges basilica. It is the convent church built in Romanesque style.    
Royal summer palace of Belvedere. It is the purest example of Italian renaissance architecture.
Goldenlane. Craftsmen originated it in the 16th century.
Schwarzenberg palace. There is military historical collection.
Archibishop’s palace. It has the beautiful 18th century rococo facade.
Sternberg palace. It was built in the 17th century. It is seat of National gallery.
Strahov monastery. It was founded in the 12th century. Now it is a museum of Czech literature.
Petřín observation tower. It was built in 1981 as a free copy of the Eiffel tower.

Along Neruda street we can go from the castle to the Lesser town. It is poetic quarter with romantic gardens and ancient houses. In the lesser Town Square we can find a St. Nicholas church built in baroque style. From the square we can get through Mostecká Street to the Charles Bridge over the river Vltava. It was built in 14th century. There we can find 30 sculptures and groups of statues mainly in Baroque style. 
Old Town square. We can get there from Charles Bridge along Charles Street. It is the center of the Old Town. Beautifully decorated houses with colored facades of all styles surround it. In the center of the square is John Huss Monument.   
Old town hall. It is the best known building in the square. There is a horologe with the statues of the apostles on the tower.
Kinský palace. It was built in rococo style and now houses a graphic collection.
Týn church. In 1601 was here buried the Danish astronomer Tycho de Brahe. It is visual dominant of square.
Bethlehem chapel. It is the most important center of the reformation movement where John Huss preached. It is not far from the square.
Paris street. It is lined with fine houses built in late 19th century decorative style. It takes us to the Jewish Town. The Jewish community originated in Prague as early as the 10th century. Now here is only a few synagogues (The Old-New Synagogue and cemetery have remained to the present).
Celetná street. Leads from the Old Town Square to the Powder gate, which forms a monumental entrance to the Old town.
Na příkopě street. Now it is a pedestrian precinct. It takes us to the bottom of Wenceslas Square.
Wenceslas square. It is heart of New Town and it present-day Prague. It is 750 meters long boulevard lined with banks, department stores, boutiques, shops, hotels, restaurants, theatres and cinemas. The neo-renaissance building of the National museum closes the upper part of the square. It was built in end of 19th century and now it contains historical and natural history collections. In the upper part of the square stands the St. Wenceslas Memorial. It is bronze equestrian statue of prince Wenceslas by J.V.Myslbek. It is favorite meeting place of tourists.
National theatre. It is the most beautiful neo-renaissance building. We can get there from the bottom of the Wencesls Square along Národní Street.
Vyšehrad. We can get there along the river. It was the seat of czech princes. The oldest construction on Vyšehrad and in the whole Prague is the Rotunda of St. Martin built in 11th century. The Vyšehrad site also contains the Slavín cemetery, the burial place of famous personalities of our political and cultural life.
Charles university. It is the oldest university in central and eastern Europe. 

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