

1.    Describe the climate in the Czech Republic(four season, changes in the nature, weather).
2.    Speak about natural environment and the probléme nowaday(pollution, global warming, andangered species)
3.    Consequences of global warming(natural disasters)
4.    Protection of environment(What can you do to protect it-separate waste-recycling, save energy and water etc.)


1.    The seasons are not the same everwhere, but for people around the world, the changing seasons help mark the passing of the year.In the Czech Republic change four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Spring begins on 21. March. The temperature rises after long winter, snow melts, nature begins to awake, treea are in blossom and garden are full of flowers that bloom im spring(bluebells, crocuses, tulips, snowdrops). The weather is very changable- clouds are white or dark and sometimes it is raining. After a shower a rainbow may appear in the sky.

Summer begins on 21.June. Sky is cloudless and it is nice and warm. But sometimes the sky suddenly clouds over, breeze changes in to a strong wind an it is crsh of tunder, a flash of lightning and thunderstorm. But later on the sky clears up and it will stay fine. I love this time of year, becouse we have long holiday and i can enjoy sunny weather, I can go swimming, summer festivals. People go for holidays, they travel, camp, swimm, we can ride on bicycle and next.

Autumn cames on 23. September. The leaves trees become yellow, orange, red and brown and deciduous. Only evergreen conifers remain dark green. The sky is often cloudly. Mornings are chilly, místy, muddy and become firts snow in late November. Birds set out on the journey south.  I like an Indian Summer(short period summer-like days).

Winter begins on 21.December. In the winter snow falls, it is blizzards and it is snowy and frosy. We enjoy wintertime activities- skiin, snowboarding, building snowman, snowfighting and next. Sometimes are wery cold winters.

2.    Natural environment is all around us(consists of flora, fauna, water, air and earth). Is influenced by processes in nature, but mainly activiti of people. Humans do not always care for environment as they should. They prefer thein owen comfort and luxury. They want more cars, pc technology. We can divide pollution into 3 categories: air, soil, water pollution:
Air is basic for live. Air pollution is biggest problem in cities, where are a lot of cars, concentrate idustry. Important are trees. They are lungs of our planet, becouse they are making oxygen. If we put down trees adn tropical forest it will become very difficult.
Soil pollution- can be contaminated as result industrial waste and other couses.
Water pollution →harmfull industrial process and households, chemicals used in industry
Human kills animals and destroy natural habitats an endarered species are dying out.

Global warming cause by the greenhouse effect. Gases as carbon dioxide, freons, methane prevent the earth from escaping. But human let into the atmosfere much gases and Effect is made stronger.Our planet warming up and change global climate.

3.    Consequences of global warming- the Earth´s temperature rises, artic ice melts and
areas near the sea level floods. Floods are generally cause by long rains or when a lot of snow melt in the Spring.  Next natural disaster are huricanes and tornadoes cause by presure changes ito the atmosphere. It is very strong wind and destroying everything on the way. Next are earthquakes or explosions of volcanoes. In the course of earthquake the land is crashing and shakeing

4.    For the better environment we should use public transport, walk, ride bicycles more than
using the car. Recycle rubbist. This is separating paper, glass and plastic bottels. Reforest new areas, conserve habitats in national parks and nature reserves. And next use alternative means on power: wind power, water, solar energy or nuclear energy. And save energy. I think that is very important protection of natural environment in which we live.
Many ecological organizations take care about our planet- Greenpeace, Duha

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